Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Shake it Up

Android Application

Shake it Up Android Application: The Development of Android Mobile Learning Application in Mitigation of Earthquake for Junior High School Students

Creator: Gita Sukmawati

Indonesia is situated in a geologically unstable area called the Pacific Ring of Fire which faces the risk of powerful earthquakes with potentially devastating effects. The most effective measure to be taken against earthquake and other natural disasters is knowing what to do when it happens. This issue intended the researcher to build a mobile learning application for earthquake mitigation using game-engine software called Unity 2D.  Generally, the process of developing the mobile learning application consist of several steps: (1) preparation stage which consist of problem identification and formulating objectives, literature review, and constructing the instrument; (2) development stage started with developing the flowchart, storyboard, software necessity analysis, hardware necessity analysis, and coding. The method used in this research was descriptive. The subject was 30 students of Junior High School in Bandung and one science teacher. The result showed that the application for earthquake mitigation is received adequately with good evaluation. The experts on content, language and artwork were evaluated the mobile learning application. The result of the experts’ judgment content reached 83.33%, 87.5% on the language content and reached 93.75% on artwork (IT) aspect.

The application can be download by clicking the image

The work has been published at

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