To support the academic program, IPSE has provided several supporting facilities including
- Laboratories
IPSE laboratory is designed to integrate the laboratory activities with the lecturing. IPSE laboratory is divided into two parts, wet laboratory and dry laboratory. Wet Laboratory is used to conduct Chemistry and Biology Practical Experiment while Dry laboratory used to conduct Physics Practical Experiment. Both laboratories are also provided to facilitate the graduate students in conducting their research regarding the experiment activities. The science experiment equipments are used to focus on the elaboration of science experiments performed in junior high school.
- Academic Staff and Lecturer Room
There are facillities provided by Faculty
- Building and Lecturing Room
There are three buildings in FPMIPA UPI such as FPMIPA-A Building (JICA), FPMIPA-B Building, and FPMIPA-C Building.
FPMIPA-A building consists of 11 lecturing rooms with several sizes, 2 rooms have 120 chairs, 1 room has 90 chairs, 6 rooms have 60 chairs, and 2 rooms have 30 chairs.
FPMIPA-B building consists of 13 lecturing rooms with several sizes, 1 room has 90 mahasiswa, 8 rooms have 60 chairs, 2 rooms have 50 chairs, and 1 room has 40 chairs.
FPMIPA-C building consists of 6 lecturing rooms with several sizes, 1 room has 120 chairs and 5 rooms have 60 chairs.
- Auditorium FPMIPA UPI
To build the scientific culture, FPMIPA has an Auditorium with 300 chairs equipped with Air Conditioner. Seminars and workshops are conducted in Auditorium FPMIPA UPI for local, national, and international events. The FPMIPA Auditorium is located at west building floor 2 and 3.
- Moslem Praying Room
There is a moslem praying room for academic civities in FPMIPA UPI. Mushola is located in east building of FPMIPA A floor 1 room E-106, FPMIPA-B floor 1, and FPMIPA-C floor 1.
- Canteen
There is a canteen to serve food and drink for academic civities in FPMIPA with relatively affordable prices.
- Curriculatorium
The curriculatorium is a faculty library in FPMIPA UPI. There are lots of books available for supproting academic activity in FPMIPA UPI.
- Workshop Room
You can use workshop room to repair or create a learning aids.
- Book store
There is a book store to provide a variety of a variety of stationery, photo copy services, and snacks. The bookstore is located in West building FPMIPA-A 1st floor W-110 room.
- UPI Public Facilities
This is a public facilities used by all academic civities. Click here for details.