Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

About IPSE


International Program on Science Education (IPSE) is one of the study programs under the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Education UPI. The program is launched in 2009 aims to calls the needs of global competence science teachers. In the current situation, globalization has an increasing impact on a broad range of human activities in all aspects of life such as politics, economy, culture as well as educational areas. From the perspective of education, globalization raises a number of challenges and concerns, particularly in preparing students as future leaders who have a vision of global view to adequately address the demands of an ever-increasing global interdependence.


This is a challenge for colleges and universities worldwide to respond to the call with an array of programs and curricular initiatives focused on preparing globally-minded teachers. Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education UPI has responded to the call by developing the International Program on Science Education (IPSE).

The IPSE was established on December 28, 2009 based on the Rector’s Decree Number 8378/H40/KL/2009. The establishment of the IPSE is an answer to the community’s need for teachers who are able to carry out science education in an integrated manner in English. The development of the IPSE was initiated by the Dean of FPMIPA who, at that time, was Prof. Dr. H. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si. along with education experts in the field of Natural Science Education including: Prof. Dr. H. Ari Widodo, M.Ed, Dr. H. Agus Setiabudhi, MS, Prof, Dr. Hj. Nuryani Rustaman, M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Anna Permanasari, M.Si. At the beginning, the name of the study program was established as the International Program on Science Education (IPSE).  The name was formally changed to the Natural Science Education Study Program (IPA/IPSE) in 2016. The IPSE has received BAN PT accreditation twice, receiving a “B” grading initially and obtaining an “A” rating after re-accreditation in 2018. Since 2011, the IPSE has been certified by the ISO (ISO 9001: 2008 initially, and ISO 9001: 2015 in 2018). In 2017 the IPSE received international recognition in the form of ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges and Universities) accreditation from the UK with the ranking of “Premier University”.

The scope of study in the IPSE includes the study of technological, pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) relevant to the demands of science education in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and the demands of 21st century skills. Mastery of concepts in chemistry, physics, and biology in the context of the school curriculum are integral to the IPSE. Educational philosophy (pedagogic foundations) and philosophy of science provide the basis for educational reflection. Science learning assessment and science learning innovation through application of the principles of the latest science and technology development are also part of the program.


To be leading and outstanding in the field of natural science education in Southeast Asia by 2025.


  1. Structuring an education program that prepares professional natural science educators who are globally competitive;
  2. Developing research in the field of natural science education as a foundation in the process of education and community service;
  3. Organizing community service based on natural science education research;
  4. Carrying out the internationalization of education through the development and strengthening of networks and partnerships at the national, regional and international levels.


  1. To produce competent natural science educators and with global competitiveness;
  2. To produce research that is able to develop innovative scientific and educational theories in natural science education;
  3. To provide professional and sustainable services to the community in order to solve problems related to natural science education
  4. To cooperate with other institutions at home and abroad through networking in the fields of teaching, research, and student affairs.


The output of IPSE has some competencies as follows:

  • A broad view of international science education
  • Good understanding and skill of science subject, pedagogy, as well as pedagogy content knowledge for a junior high school science
  • Skillfulness in teaching science as an integrated science
  • Skillfulness in teaching science using the English language
  • Be able to do science research and develop innovation in science teaching


The curriculum of the IPSE is one of the aspects that determines the quality of education, and is developed to realize the vision and mission of the study program. Improvements to the curriculum in the IPSE are carried out continuously, involve all academicians, and aim to equip graduates with competencies in the use science and technology with a solid base of science knowledge. Thus regular review of the curriculum, input from users and alumni, as well as analysis of developments in the fields of natural science and technology are basic to development of the IPSE curriculum. Updates to the IPSE curriculum are not only intended to meet developments of science, but also to meet the demands of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), 21st century skills and the 4.0 industrial revolution.

Based on a tracer study analysis and feedback from QCC on Education, it was found that the IPSE curriculum needs to be constantly updated in order to be parallel to the curriculum of similar study programs both at home and abroad. In an effort to maintain the quality of the curriculum, the study program reviews and develops curriculum every year. The IPSE conducts benchmarking activities with natural science education programs throughout Indonesia and abroad (specifically Thailand, Philippines, and Korea). The IPSE regularly conducts focus group discussion on the science education curriculum at meetings of the Indonesian Science Educators Association (PPII) and formulates curriculum based on applicable regulations. Apart from curriculum development, other activities such as developing cooperation with external parties, stakeholders and the PPII, assessing the needs in the real world, especially the need for teaching staff at international schools in the field of science education, are ongoing. The ease with which IPSE alumni find employment reflects upon the quality of the graduates completing the IPSE curriculum.

Survey results as seen at showed that alumni of the IPSE have excellent or good scientific expertise or professionalism (60% and 40% of respondents respectively). In order to provide continuing improvement in professionalism, improvement in the quality of the education process, the supporting facilities, the quality of lecturers and education personnel, as well as development of opportunities for student involvement in academic and non-academic activities such as student exchanges, teaching practice (PPL) abroad, and formal scientific forums, is ongoing. The IPSE also collaborates with schools so that students can get to know the academic professional environment they will work within as a teacher.

Development of the current outcome-based curriculum began in July 2018 with the work of a designated team, consisting of the head of the study program, the QCC on Education and the lecturers of the IPSE.  The curriculum design began with formulating the IPSE learning outcomes (CPPS) which were derived from the analysis of the needs of stakeholders and graduate users, and by referring to the KKNI graduate competency standards (SKL).  The 2018 curriculum structure listed in this document, with a total of 145 credits, was confirmed by the UPI Chancellor Regulations No. 12369 /UN40/H /2018 (Guidelines for Curriculum Development of the Study Program UPI 2018) and No. 12372/UN40/HK/2018 (Basic Provisions for the Development of the Curriculum UPI 2018) dated December 2018, and February 2019 respectively.


Study Program


Pendidikan IPA
(IPSE – International Program on Science Education)



Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education

Higher Education Institution


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Number of SP establishment decree (*)



Date of SP establishment decree


3 September 2009

Signing legal officer of SP establishment decree


Rektor UPI 2009,
Prof. Dr. H. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd

Month & year of SP commencement


28 December 2009

Date of Operating License Decree


30 October 2018

Last Accreditation Grade



Number of BAN-PT decrees



Title of graduates


Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) with study duration of 8-14 semesters

Organization of Training Quality

: International Accreditation by ASIC United Kingdom 2017
Board of National Accreditation of Higher Education (BAN-PT)
United Register of System (URS) for Quality Management System ISO 9001:200


Teaching and learning strategies are fitted to the characteristics of courses and their contents. Generally, the courses use discussion, group work, problem-based learning, project-based learning, lectures, laboratory work, and fieldwork methods


The assessment system in the IPSE includes both assessment of the learning process and learning outcomes for the students. This system applies formative assessment, which is aimed at obtaining information that is used to improve the delivery of learning, and summative assessment, which is aimed at assessing the achievement of student learning outcomes. Assessment in science learning have included the implementation of the latest technology to improve the quality of learning assessments (e.g. Google Form, Quizizz, Plickers, Edmodo, etc).

Assessment consists of individual course assessments, semester evaluations, course advancement assessment, and final program evaluation. These four assessment areas are integrated. Assessment can be made through Mid-Semester Examinations (UTS), Final Semester Examinations (UAS), assignments like laboratory reports, papers, presentations, projects, and performance evaluation. The examinations should align with the Criteria Reference Assessment (PAK) and Norms Reference Assessment (PAN) systems.

Student achievement may be indicated by a final score as outlined by the following standards:


Category Level of ability Description
Grade Value Degree of Quality    
  A 4.0 Excellent 92-100  
  A- 3.7 Almost excellent 86-91  
  B+ 3.4 Very good 81-85  
  B 3.0 Good 76-80  
  B- 2.7 Fairly good 71-75  
  C+ 2.4 Very satisfactory 66-70  
  C 2.0 Satisfactory 60-65  
  D 1.0 Poor 55-59 minimum requirement for graduation
  E <1.0 Fail below 55 course should be retaken


Trial examination assessments are given using the 0-4 scale – similar to course assessments.