No. | Community Services Topic | Lecturers | Courses | Integration Model | Years |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Microcontroller-Based School Physics Experiment Innovation | Eka Cahya Prima | Electricity and Magnetism | Implementing microcontroller technology for student project | 2021 |
2 | Integrated science learning based on Information Technology and Higher Order Thinking Skills | Eka Cahya Prima | Earth and Space Science | Applying android to support virtual sky observation | 2021 |
3 | 21st Century Learning and ITEM Test Preparation | Eka Cahya Prima | Electricity and Magnetism | Applying the use of breadboards in helping students learn electrical circuits | 2021 |
4 | Android App-based Science Learning | Eka Cahya Prima | Earth and Space Science | Applying android to support virtual sky observation | 2021 |
5 | Development of Video-Based Practicum Reports in Science in Daily Life Lectures: STEM-Based Learning Applications | Ikmanda Nugraha dan Eliyawati | Science in Daily Life | Develop a report for each practicum in the form of a Video | 2021 |
6 | Development of STEM Integrated Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) Learning Model to Improve Creativity and Mastery of Science Concepts for Junior High School Students | Eliyawati | Science Teaching and Learning | Develop the latest learning models in accordance with 21st century developments | 2021 |
7 | Development of Android Application-Based SmartChem Media to Improve Understanding of Multiple Chemistry Representations of Science Teacher Candidates | Eliyawati dan Rika Rafikah Agustin | Fundamentals of Chemistry | Develop the latest Learning Media through the use of android applications to learn Chemistry topics | 2021 |
8 | Exploration of Becoming an Independent Entrepreneur (JAPRI) Module to Train Entrepreneurial Competencies through Entrepreneurship Lectures | Eliyawati | Entrepreneurship | The JAPRI module is used as a source of teaching materials for entrepreneurship courses | 2021 |
9 | Development of ChemFUN Android Application Based on Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum To Improve Understanding of Chemical Representation of Material Topics | Eliyawati dan Rika Rafikah Agustin | Fundamentals of Chemistry | Develop the latest Learning Media through the use of android applications to learn Chemistry topics | 2021 |