IPSE Publications List
- Aisy, R., & Eliyawati, E. C. P. (2020). Bluino: Blind Arduino Sensor to Assist Students with Visual Impairment.
- Astuti, L., Wihardi, Y., & Rochintaniawati, D. (2020). The Development of Web-Based Learning Using Interactive Media for Science Learning on Levers in Human Body Topic. Journal of Science Learning, 3(2), 89-98.
- Bahari, M., Widodo, A., & Winarno, N. (2020). Using Self-Regulated Learning to Promote Students ‘Metacognitive Awareness in Learning Electricity.
- Dewi, P. S., Rochintaniawati, D., & Siahaan, P. (2020). Profiling the context of natural history teacher candidate for the elementary school degree through web-based inquiry. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 6(1), 49-58.
- Efendi, I. L., & Prima, E. C. (2020). Implementing Project-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Creative Disposition, Creativity and Understanding in Learning Light and Optics.
- Marina, R., & Prima, E. C. (2020). Stellarium as An Interactive Multimedia to Enhance Students’ Understanding and Motivation in Learning Solar System.
- Melati, P., & Rusyati, L. (2020). Profiling students’ misconception and concept mastery of the human body system topic. Paper presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
- Novitasari, R., Sholihin, H., & Prima, E. C. (2020). SOLAR WALK ADS+: Explore Space as A Multimedia to Improve Students’ Understanding and Believe in Learning Solar System.
- Nugraha, I., Athfyanti, N. N., & Prabawa, H. W. (2020). The development of computer-assisted instruction game on mirror reflection concepts for junior high school students. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 6(1), 1-10.
- Nugraha, I., Putri, N. K., & Sholihin, H. (2020). An Analysis of the Relationship between Students’ Scientific Attitude and Students’ Learning Style in Junior High School. Journal of Science Learning, 3(3), 185-195.
- Nugraha, I., Rusyati, L., & Agustin, R. R. (2020). A comparison of learning the digestion process with comic strips and endoscopic video: the effects on student’s achievement and its contributing factors.
- Nugraha, I., Suranto, T., Kadarohman, A., Widodo, A., & Darmawan, I. G. (2020). The Relation between Gender, Reasons to Participate in STEM-Related Subjects, Programs and the University Supports on First-Year University Student’s Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Model. Journal of Science Learning, 3(2), 117-123.
- Panatarani, C., Redianti, H., Faizal, F., Cahya Prima, E., Yuliarto, B., & Joni, I. (2020a). Synthesis and Dispersion of Ni-Doped Cu2ZnSnS4. Paper presented at the Key Engineering Materials.
- Panatarani, C., Redianti, H., Faizal, F., Cahya Prima, E., Yuliarto, B., & Joni, I. M. (2020b). Synthesis and Dispersion of Ni-Doped Cu2ZnSnS4. Key Engineering Materials, 860, 42-50. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.860.42
- Prawira, Y. Y., Prima, E. C., Refantero, G., Setyo, H., & Panatarani, B. Y. (2020a). All-Solution-Non-Vacuum Fabrication Process of CZTS Solar Cell using ZTO as Non-Toxic Buffer Layer. International Journal of Nanoelectronics & Materials, 13(2), 307-314.
- Prawira, Y. Y., Prima, E. C., Refantero, G., Setyo, H., & Panatarani, B. Y. (2020b). All-Solution-Non-Vacuum Fabrication Process of CZTS Solar Cell using ZTO as Non-Toxic Buffer Layer. International Journal of Nanoelectronics & Materials, 13(2).
- Prima, E. C., Nugroho, H. S., Nugraha, Refantero, G., Panatarani, C., & Yuliarto, B. (2020). Performance of the dye-sensitized quasi-solid state solar cell with combined anthocyanin-ruthenium photosensitizer. RSC Advances, 10(60), 36873-36886. doi:10.1039/D0RA06550A
- Prima, E. C., Nugroho, H. S., Refantero, G., Panatarani, C., & Yuliarto, B. (2020). Performance of the dye-sensitized quasi-solid state solar cell with combined anthocyanin-ruthenium photosensitizer. RSC Advances, 10(60), 36873-36886.
- Refantero, G., Prima, E. C., Setiawan, A., Panatarani, C., Cahyadi, D., & Yuliarto, B. (2020). Etching process optimization of non-vacuum fabricated Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31(4), 3674-3680. doi:10.1007/s10854-020-02925-7
- Rukoyah, S., Widodo, A., & Rochintaniawati, D. (2020). The analysis of teachers’ readiness to develop science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) based teaching. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Rusyati, L., Rochintaniawati, D., Agustin, R. R., Sanjaya, Y., & Deandra, I. G. (2020). Gender Differences in The Attribution of Creative Thinking: Experimental Evidence using STEM-based E-Module.
- Suciani, M. I., & Prima, E. C. (2020). Assessing Students’ Creative Disposition and Creative Product in Learning Newton Law.
- Sukarso, A., Widodo, A., Rochintaniawati, D., & Purwianingsih, W. (2020). The Contribution Of Biological Practicum Learning Model Based On Creative Research Projects In Forming Scientific Creativity Of High School Students. PROCEEDINGS STEMEIF.
- Susilowati, E., Hartini, S., Suyidno, S., Mayasari, T., & Winarno, N. (2020). Hubungan Antara Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Terhadap Ketrampilan Berpikir Kritis Pada Materi Deret. Paper presented at the PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL LINGKUNGAN LAHAN BASAH.
- Susilowati, E., Mayasari, T., Sholahuddin, A., Miriam, S., & Winarno, N. (2020). Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education for Sustainable Energy in Wetland Environment. Paper presented at the 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019).
- Susilowati, E., Mayasari, T., & Winarno, N. (2020). Using three-tier diagnostic test to asses students’ misconception of simple harmonic oscillation. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Susilowati, E., Miriam, S., Suyidno, S., Sholahuddin, A., & Winarno, N. (2020). Integration of Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in The Wetland Environment Area to Increase Students’ Creativity. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Utami, A., Rochintaniawati, D., & Suwarma, I. (2020). Enhancement of STEM literacy on knowledge aspect after implementing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-based instructional module. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Utari, S., Haque, R. A., Karim, S., Saefuzaman, D., Gina, M., & Nugraha, E. C. P. (2020). Didactic Design Based on Student Responses to Practice Scientific Literacy with Using Marzano Learning Dimensions and Reading Infusion on Momentum Content.
- Utari, S., Manopo, J., Feranie, S., Prima, E. C., & Iswanto, B. H. (2020). Development of Standardized Online Test to Assess the Students 21st Century Skills.
- Utari, S., & Prima, E. C. (2020a). Designing Inquiry-based Laboratory on Concave Eyeglasses Experiment to exercise Student’s Science Inquiry Skills.
- Utari, S., & Prima, E. C. (2020b). Designing Physics Experiment and Assessment of Inquiry-Based Laboratory to Exercise Higher Order Thinking Skills.
- Utari, S., Prima, E. C., Suwarma, I. R., & Suhandi, A. (2020). Engineering Course Model on STEM Education for Middle School Curriculum Setting in Indonesia.
- Winarno, N., Rusdiana, D., Samsudin, A., Susilowati, E., Ahmad, N. J., & Afifah, R. M. A. (2020). Synthesizing Results from Empirical Research on Engineering Design Process in Science Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(12), em1912.
- Winarno, N., Rusdiana, D., SUSİLOWATİ, E., & AFİFAH, R. M. A. (2020). Implementation of integrated science curriculum: a critical review of the literature. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(2), 795-817.
- Wulandari, R., Widodo, A., & Rochintaniawati, D. (2020). Penggunaan Aplikasi Augmented Reality Untuk Memfasilitasi Penguasaan Konsep Dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik. Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 11(2), 59-69.
- Zahara, A., Feranie, S., & Winarno, N. (2020). Influence of Discovery Learning Supported by Solar System Scope Application on Students’ Curiosity: The Case of Teaching Solar System.
- Zahara, A., Feranie, S., Winarno, N., & Siswantoro, N. (2020). Discovery Learning with the Solar System Scope Application to Enhance Learning in Middle School Students. Journal of Science Learning, 3(3), 174-184.
- Zhafirah, V., Wijaya, A. F. C., & Winarno, N. (2020). Blended Learning on Students’ Motivation: The Case of Teaching Solar System.