Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Internal Quality Audit Field Assessment - IPSE 2021


Internal Quality Audit Field Assessment – IPSE 2021

Bandung, 13 October 2021

As a commitment to maintaining quality assurance, IPSE on October 13, 2021, was visited by the 2021 Internal Quality Audit Field Assessment (AMI) Auditor Team, Dr. HR. Aam Hamdani, M.T. and Dr. Ichas Solihin, M.Pd. The auditors conducted the audit on supporting documents for AMI instruments that had been previously prepared. Moreover, interviews and discussions were conducted with Dr. Eka Cahya Prima, M.T as the Head of the IPSE FPMIPA UPI Study Program, Dr. Rika Rafikah Agustin, M.Pd as the IPSE secretary, and Dhea Aprillia Andhini, Amd. as the IPSE administrative staff. In addition, document reviews and interviews were conducted on several aspects, including Documents related to the Learning Process ranging from graduate profiles, curriculum, and learning processes, Research Activities, and Community Service. Based on the discussions, several recommendations were obtained for the IPSE improvement and development.

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