Inauguration of SA-IPSE 2021
Bandung, 18 April 2021
After a period of service, an organization will have a change in administration. Student Association of International Program on Science Education (SA-IPSE) is no different. On Sunday, 18 April 2021, the event “Inauguration of SA-IPSE 2021” took place. This event was held at 13.00 WIB online using Zoom Meeting.
Inauguration of SA-IPSE 2021 is a yearly event held at the beginning of every administrative period of SA-IPSE. The purpose of this event is to recruit members of the Executive Board and Legislative Board for the administrative period of 2021/2022, which was preceded by a lengthy and rigorous process of Open Recruitment. This event was attended by the Student Advisor of SA-IPSE, Sir Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd, Chief of Executive Board, Members of Legislative Board, Core Administrators SA-IPSE, and regular members of SA-IPSE.
Our Student Advisor of SA-IPSE, Sir Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd, and Dicky Azi Nugraha as Chief of Executive Board SA-IPSE, both began with an opening statement that marks the beginning of the event. The meeting is followed by the announcement of the Head of Department SA-IPSE, Open Recruitment Executive Board membership result, and announcement of Legislative Board SA-IPSE administrative structure. It is then succeeded by the recitation of Letter of Approval by Chief of Executive Board regarding Head Department of Executive Board and the Administration of Executive Board SA-IPSE 2021/2022. In conclusion, this event formally appointed seven members of the Head of Department and 50 members of SA-IPSE as the administrators of Executive Board SA-IPSE period 2021/2022. By the end of the event, a sharing session made to welcome new members of each Department of Executive Board was conducted.