Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Contextual Science Teaching and Learning during Pandemic COVID-19


Contextual Science Teaching and Learning during Pandemic COVID-19

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Indonesians Association for Science Educators (PPII) held a webinar with the theme Contextual Science Teaching and Learning in Pandemic Covid-19. The webinar was held from 9 am until 11 pm on Saturday, July 4, 2020, and was attended by almost 405 participants from many different cities and universities in Indonesia. Participants were from various backgrounds, such as professors, members of PPII, lecturers, teachers, and students. Three keynote speakers were invited, specifically Prof. Dr. Ismunandar as Head of the PPII Development Board and on staff at Menristek/BRIN; Dr. Ida Kasniawati, M.Si from the Indonesia University of Education, and Dr. M Masykuri, M.Si from Sebelas Maret University. This workshop was opened by Dr. Masykuri, and a welcoming speech by Prof Anna Permanasari, M.Si, Head of the Indonesian Association for Science Educators (PPII). Dr.  Masykuri also served as a moderator.

Prof. Dr. Ismunandar presented on the topic of how the COVID19 pandemic has influenced teaching and learning activities. According to a survey from Balitbang Kemendikbud about the experience of students learning from home activities, almost all students think learning at home isn’t fun, and is stressful. One of the ways Prof. Ismunandar suggested to enhance students learning activity at home was to encourage students to see the many things around them that can be used as a learning source.  For example,  students need vitamin and essential supplements and one of these is lemonade in orange skin. Prof. Ismunandar showed a simple experiment to measure the concentration of lemonade in orange skin. Prof Ismundar also gave some tips for teaching and learning activities, such as summarize the concepts, don’t depend on online class because sometimes technology has problems, get students to be active in giving feedback, frequently check-in with the students, and help students who need help. Prof Ismundar also explained about science contextual teaching and learning.

The second speaker,  Dr. Ida Kasniawati, spoke about teaching and learning paradigms in the 21st century. She mentioned that the teacher has to select the aspect of a given paradigm because not all parts can be implemented during COVID 19. Dr. Ida demonstrated a contextual approach in teaching and learning activities, discussing such issues as relating the teaching and learning process with math, science, communications, technology, vocational options as well as essential humanity. There are some rules for contextual teaching and learning, such as relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring. These rules can be abbreviated as REACT.  Criteria indicating contextual teaching and learning include teaching and learning activities based on real experience, collaboration, fun activities, integrated learning, many sources, sharing with friends, and creativity on the part of the teacher. Contextual teaching can enhance students’ science processing skills. The basic syntax for contextual teaching and learning is first, identify a problem, then brainstorm, design, construct, evaluate, re-design, and get a solution. Dr. Ida also gave an example of contextual teaching and learning during pandemic COVID 19 using virtual learning. Data and problems about COVID 19 can be a stimulus for contextual teaching and learning. It can enhance students’ critical thinking abilities to identify, design, and make solutions.

After each speaker presented their material, there was a question and answer session. The audience was very enthusiastic. A link to the recorded webinar was provided, and every participant received a free certificate. Contributor : Putri Sekar Melati (IPSE 2017)

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