Community Services: Learning Science using Android Application – 2 March 2019
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Bandung, 2 March 2019
International Program on Science Education conducted the community service event entitled “Learning Science using Android Application”. About 33 science teachers participated in this event. The meeting was held at 8.30. Some applications are introduced to participants for science education purposes. Prof. Ari Widodo explained that there are some digital skills to be acquired by science educators such as Assessing and Engaging with the Digital Technology, Generic Digital Skills, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Content Creation, Digital Safety, and Digital Right. The discussion was continued by Android presentation from Mr. Ikmanda Nugraha. He trained the way to employ Kahoot Application to Learning Biology. Mr. Eka Cahya Prima discussed the Android Application for Physics Purposes including Stellarium, X Construction, Light Sensor, Magnetometer, Accelerometer. The Apps were shown in LCD Projector to make an interactive discussion. Finally, the discussion was clossed by performance from Chemistry Apps “Chemistry Lab Apps” [Eka Cahya Prima].