Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Student Admission

Student Admission

The pattern of new admissions IPSE study program (Pendidikan IPA) UPI is conducted by Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN), Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN), and Seleksi Mandiri UPI. SNMPTN is a selection made by each State under the coordination of the National Committee, based on the student’s academic achievement. The capacity of SNMPTN 2016 for IPSE (Pendidikan IPA) is 12 out of 30. The cost of SNMPTN implementation will be paid by the government so they do not charge selection. SBMPTN 2016 is the selection made by the State together under the coordination of the Central Committee with the selection based on the results of the written examination in printed form (paper-based testing) or using computers (computer-based testing). The capacity of SBMPTN 2016 for Prodi IPSE 2016 is 9 out of 30. Seleksi Mandiri UPI known as the SM-UPI is a selection path conducted independently in the UPI. SM-UPI for IPSE study program includes two stages of selection that are written test and interview. Prodi IPSE will prioritize students who master the concepts of science and English.