Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd., G.Cert. Ed.

Senior Lecturer

Ikmanda Nugraha, M.Pd., G.Cert. Ed.

Senior Lecturer


Name: Ikmanda Nugraha, S.Pd., GCert.Ed., M.Pd.

Profession: Senior Lecturer

Date of Birth: April 8th, 1988

Years with Firm/Entity: 5 years

Nationality: Indonesia


Membership of Professional Societies:

  1. WALS (World Association of Lesson Study) 2012-2014
  2. ALSI (Asosiasi Lesson Studi Indonesia), 2011-2014
  3. PPII (Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia), 2015-Now
  4. ASERA (Australasian Science Education Research Association), 2020-2021

Researcher ID:

Detailed Tasks Assigned:

Implementing Tridharma (three-pillars) of higher education which includes education, research, and community service.

Key Qualifications:

Since I started to work as lecturer and educational researcher, I concerns on science teaching learning, teaching innovation, assessment and teacher professional development.


  • Graduate Certificate in Education (Assessment). The University of Adelaide, 2017. GPA 6.00/7.00, Australia
  • Master of Education, majoring Biology Education. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. 2014. GPA 3.86, Indonesia
  • Bachelor of Education, majoring Biology Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. 2011. GPA 3.51, Indonesia

Employment Record:

2015 – now     : Lecturer, Science Education Study Program – Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2011 – 2012    : Field Officer, Sampoerna Foundation, Central Borneo Region in corporation with BHP Billiton Australia

Selected Publications

  1. Nugraha, I. (2018). The use of drawing as an alternative assessment tool in biology teaching. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1013, No. 1, p. 012016).
  2. Juleha, S., Nugraha, I., & Feranie, S. (2019). The Effect of Project in Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Scientific and Information Literacy in Learning Human Excretory System. Journal of Science Learning, 2(2), 33-41.
  3. Nugraha, I., & Eliyawati, E. (2019). The use of video laboratory report to develop presentation skills in science teacher education students. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1157, No. 2).
  4. Roswati, N., Rustaman, N. Y., & Nugraha, I. (2019). The Development of Science Comic in Human Digestive System Topic for Junior High School Students. Journal of Science Learning, 3(1), 12-18.