Prodi Pendidikan IPA (International Program on Science Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Congratulation to Putri, Sulistinayah, Euis, becoming the Runner Up of National Essay Competition 2019

National Essay Competitionx

Congratulation to Putri, Sulistinayah, Euis, becoming the Runner Up of National Essay Competition 2019

Semarang, October 4th-5th, 2019.

A team consist of Putri Sekar Melati (1700188), Sulistinayah Suwaka Putri (1701060) from International Program on Science Education 2017, and Euis Cahyati (1701543) from Sundanese language education, with the supervisor of this essay is Mrs Lilit Rusyati, M.Pd,  was announced as  the second winner of National Essay Competition held by Student Association of Management Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The competition started on May 25th 2019. After the submission and selection, the team from Indonesia University of Education was announced as one of the finalists on the best ten essays. Therefore they presented their project on final presentation, which was held from October 4th to 5th  October  2019 at 3rd Floor, Gedung Kewirausahaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Alhamdulillah, from final competition, this team got the second winner of this national essay competition.

The theme of the national essay competition was about Inovasi Generasi Millennial Menghadapi Tantangan Global dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Indonesia Emas 2045 (The Innovation of Millennial Generation on Facing Global Challenge toward Indonesia’s Gold Era 2045). The team came up with the idea to put social project, science, and technology in a paper titled Aplikasi Berbasis Android RunDe (Runtah Delivery) Sebagai Solusi Pendistribusian Sampah Guna Meningkatkan Ekonomi Kreatif dalam Menghadapi Indonesia Emas 2045 (Android-Based Application RunDe (Runtah Delivery) As Solution on Rubbish Distribution for Enhancing Economic Creative on Facing Indonesia’s Gold Era 2045).

RunDe is an abbreviation of Runtah Delivery, “finalists” in Sundanese language is “rubbish” and delivery. Therefore Runde is an android-based application that distributes rubbish from the society to the community, which has program to recycle organic and non-organic rubbish. This application also helps organization to implement Bandung government’s program, KANG PISMAN “Kurangi, Pisahkan, Manfaatkan”.

The mini-research was conducted from June until September 2019. The team has created, publish the application through link and barcode to the society, then the organization used RunDe, the sample of this research are students, dormitory, household, and small and medium enterprise, after they used the application, the team received notification to pick up the rubbish, then collected the trash, then distributed it to the community which has program to recycle organic and non-organic waste, one of them is “Saung Himelnah”. This mini-research also runs as social project, has been applied to society, and still developing until now.

Alhamdulillah, this project is not only used for joining the competition but also can be an innovation that has been implemented in society. The team hopes RunDe could be an innovative solution to distribute and process rubbish and waste to make it into beneficial things that can enhance economic creative of the society, and the final result can facing Indonesia’s gold era in 2045.

Even so, there are so many things that can be improved. In the future, RunDe can be more significant than just an application. It can be a more significant social project. It might involve volunteers since the scope will be broader. This Achievement could be a spirit to explore more and write it down to a paper or journal.

Contributor : Putri Sekar Melati (1700188)

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